A Day spent Celebrating Yule with my Family (and 20 years of Marriage!)

Today, many celebrated Yule. For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, today was the shortest day and longest night. Tomorrow, we will slowly have longer days and shorter nights! The weather has gotten colder. Today was in the 30s. I spent the day celebrating with my family not only Yule but 20 years of marriage to my husband. Technically, December 23rd is our anniversary. With how it landed on a Monday this year, we decided to celebrate today instead with our teenage kids. We enjoy doing things as a family unit. However, Tim and I will have a date night soon (to celebrate and because we are overdue for one). We did many things today (so get ready for a lot of pictures!):

Our first stop was Top Golf in Chesterfield, MO. We hit some balls and had some snacks! They have a cool Sonic the Hedgehog game that we played in addition to Angry Birds. Maddie, my daughter, won the most although I did win two times. 

Shortly after arriving, I pulled a Tarot card to see how I would do there and got the Queen of Swords! I totally took this as a good omen and hit many long, straight balls! My golf game has improved since I started playing more with Tim, my husband, this year!

Once we left Top Golf, we continued our day adventure! 

On our way to Top Golf, I saw the Big Boy Statue (who was also in Terminator!). I had Tim stop by the statue so I could draw a card for fun:

I found it humorous and insightful to pull Temperance while looking at the statue! Just like Big Boy has to shift his weight and his footing a bit to support that huge cheeseburger, we have to maintain a balance as well! 

We went for a walk around this really cool pond which is part of River's Edge Park in Chesterfield. We had never been there, and it was really cool how it was tucked away from the businesses in that area! I got this cool picture of the sun shining through the trees! It was a reminder about how we have more sunlight to look forward to as we dream of Spring days! As we walked, I took out my deck and drew a card when something inspired me to do so!

I drew the King of Wands as I looked at the water and so many trees! I thought of how water and fire are opposites, a yin-yang effect. The trees in the background look like a wall of wands. This time of year, I believe myself and others think about what they want to accomplish in the New Year when Nature reminds us that we have already accomplished so much and to rest just like she does in the Winter! Just like the trees are reflected in the water like a mirror, we too should just take time to reflect and be present. 

The red leaves totally stuck out to me while we walked. I thought of fire like the crimson color of the leaves. That, and they were the few leaves still present on a tree when most around them were without leaves. I asked what we needed to look to this time of year as a source of illumination and guidance: I got The High Priestess. This made sense to me. Winter is upon us, another season with the changes it brings. It is a time to grab a warm blanket and book while tapping into the need to rest and reflect. Despite the limited illumination and being unable to see the entire path of our life's journey clearly, we can see the path just ahead of us. That is enough. Just like the tree's red leaves, we will rest (and drop our theoretical leaves/burdens/what no longer serves us) when we are ready to do so. Change doesn't have to happen all at one time. It is essentially a slow shedding of what we have outgrown to make room for who we are becoming. 

Our journey in life is not behind us. It is in front of us. With the 8 of Cups, it is about finding a better balance of leaving behind the things/people/situations that just aren't good for us or that we have outgrown. We evolve. We aren't supposed to stay the same people. Heck, we aren't the same people we were a year ago! Letting go of the negative makes room for the positive! We will never know where a new path will take us unless we put one foot in front of the other! Oh, and the people and sites we will see as we go! 

I love looking at the bark on trees! This one caught my eye in particular. Isn't it beautiful?

Toward the end of our walk, I watched the sun set as I observed a half circle of rocks. I thought of the day coming to a conclusion and of those rocks being ever present and still despite the elements and many sunrises and sunsets. It reminded me of Stone Henge. It was beautiful to me although appeared incomplete. 

My family goes to The Melting Pot for birthdays and anniversaries. Today, we went there to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary. It was a good meal (as always). I can say that I dislike high top tables though! I am just too short to really get up into the chair! Of course, I didn't complain! After a day spent in the chilly air, it felt good to be somewhere warm enjoying fondue with my husband and kids. Every day, I remember how blessed I am to have my family.

All in all, I believe today was a success! I believe my favorite part was the walk! Here's to more adventures and another 20 years of marriage! 

Preparing for a Fresh Start